07. Australian rainfall: processes, interactions and extremes
AMOS Annual Meeting and International Conference on Tropical Meteorology and Oceanography
Monday, 10th June
Tuesday, 11th June
Wednesday, 12th June
Thursday, 13th June
Friday, 14th June
01. Ocean extreme events and their impacts
02/03. Dynamics of the Southern Hemisphere oceans; bridging spatial scales in the ocean
04. From the shelf to the deep: Antarctic and Southern Ocean processes
05. Advances in ocean observing, modelling and prediction
06. Tropics to ice: clouds, aerosol, composition and chemistry
07. Australian rainfall: processes, interactions and extremes
09. Wave dynamics
10. Modelling, prediction and projections of climate variability and change
12. Regional climate modelling and its applications
13. Understanding variability and changes in Southern Hemisphere circulation
14. Palaeoclimates and palaeo-environments: proxies and modelling advances
16. High-impact weather
17. Extreme temperature events: attribution of events, processes and impacts
18. Drought: variability, processes and prediction
19. Impact and risk assessment for weather extremes
21. Closing the loop: weather and climate impacts and risks described for agriculture and business.
22. Energy systems and the weather/climate nexus
23. Automation and the changing role of the forecaster
24/25. Education, outreach and public engagement in weather, climate and ocean science
26. Big data in oceanography and meteorology: challenges, applications and data products
27. Indigenous weather and climate
28. Processes in global and regional monsoons
29. Climate application for the tropics
30. The role of organised tropical convection for weather and climate variability
31. Maritime Continent earth system science and the Years of Maritime Continent
32. Tropical cyclones: climate processes, variability and change
33. Tropical cyclone dynamics and forecasting
34. Tropical climate variability: dynamics, teleconnections and impacts
35. Variability and dynamics of Indo-Pacific ocean exchange and roles in air-sea coupling
36. Tropical oceanography: processes and dynamics
07(i). Australian rainfall: processes, interactions and extremes
2:00PM - 3:00PM
Thursday, 13th June
Room 2 (Meeting Room 2)
Chairs: Todd Lane & Lisa Alexander
The contributions of fronts, cyclones and thunderstorms to Victorian rainfall
Acacia S Pepler
The Australian Northwest Cloudband: Climatology, Mechanisms, and Influence on Rainfall
Kimberley J Reid
Trends in downscaled projected precipitation across Queensland indicate a wetter summer with higher intensity events and drier winter with prolonged dry spells
Ralph Trancoso
Abhnil Prasad
07(ii). Australian rainfall: processes, interactions and extremes
4:00PM - 5:30PM
Thursday, 13th June
Room 2 (Meeting Room 2)
Chairs: Todd Lane & Lisa Alexander
A deeper look into temperature-extreme rainfall scaling methods
Raktima Dey
Constraining projections of extreme rainfall over Australia
Margot Bador
The Effect of Model Resolution on Simulated Mesoscale Convective Systems
Andreas F Prein
Future changes in the precipitation associated with extreme East Coast Lows
Alejandro Di Luca
The seasonal predictability of rainfall extremes in Australia and associated predictive skill in ACCESS-S
Andrew D King
What is the best (least bad) climate model for seasonal rainfall forecast in Australia?
Esteban Abellan
Australia's rainfall recycling and evaporative origins during average, drought and pluvial periods
Chiara M Holgate