Poster Presentation AMOS Annual Meeting and International Conference on Tropical Meteorology and Oceanography


Thao-Linh Tran 1 , Elizabeth Ritchie-Tyo 1
  1. School of Physical, Environmental, Mathematical Sciences , University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Southeast Asia (SEA) is located in the western North Pacific, which is the most prolific tropical cyclone (TC) basin globally. SEA has experienced a rapid increase in both population and economic growth causing an increased exposure of people and property to TC-related hazards. In the last few decades, TCs accompanied by extreme winds, torrential rains and huge storm surges were responsible for an enormous toll in terms of both human life and economic losses in the SEA countries. Understanding how TCs and their attributes affect SEA historically is fundamental to social impact assessment, future projections and disaster preparedness in this region. Recent TC studies broadly focus on interannual and interdecadal variations of TCs in the western North Pacific including their duration, genesis location, track, and intensity. However, it is also important to investigate TC behaviour and influence after landfall in SEA.

In this research we will introduce: (1) the landfalling climatology of TCs in SEA during the last five decades; and (2) the physical impacts of TCs that made landfall in this region. Geographical mapping of the maximum winds upon, and after landfall, and the rainfall accumulation in the SEA region will be analysed for TC impacts. The results are an integral part of TC monitoring, forecasting and warning both in the present climate and under climate change scenarios. They will contribute to the development of mitigation strategies and planning for infrastructure for the future for every country in the SEA region.